FAQ for Common Change
Frequently asked questions for https://app.commonchange.com
- Can I share a need with my group on behalf of a friend's friend?
- How do I delete my Common Change account?
- Who has access to group fund financial information?
- How do I become a member of Common Change?
- Can I make a request larger than the funds available?
- How much do group members have to contribute?
- Would it be possible to email us the comments when people speak to a need, rather than have us log in every time?
- Does Common Change direct group formation?
- Who started Common Change?
- How do others become a part of my group on Common Change?
- How many group members are needed to approve the use of group funds?
- What percentage of the money that I donate goes to meet the needs?
- Do I need to be of a specific faith tradition to participate?
- What’s the benefit of using Common Change rather than self-managing a fund?
- Is Common Change an alternative to health insurance?
- Where is Common Change located?
- How to invite friends through my Facebook acct, instead of relying on the old antiquated email system?
- Can I give directly to Common Change to support its mission?
- Can I participate in multiple groups on CommonChange.com
- Can I present a request to my group and be the recipient of the request?
- Can I make a request without participating in a group?
- How do I make a request?
- What is the difference between recipient information and payment information?
- I had an account on RelationalTithe.com and want to know if it was migrated to CommonChange.com
- A need has already been met, but I didn't get a chance to comment. Is it too late for me to add my thoughts?
- Who decides how to distribute the money in the Group Fund?
- Are contributions to a group tax deductible?
- Help! I'm not receiving any email notifications. How do I stop them from ending up in spam/trash?
- What should I do if I disapprove of a request?
- I need a quick response to a need I posted